

Lindsey is running to represent the interests of our community. She is focused on policies that will build upon our diverse neighborhoods across the Bermuda District by focusing on the following areas:

Education as the cornerstone

  • Create a viable capital plan that gets our kids out of unsafe learning cottages/school trailers and back into classrooms. Permanently.

  • Ensure that our teachers, school support staff, and students are a priority in the annual budget. Every year.

  • Make sure our schools have the funding they need to prioritize safety and health, inside and outside the classroom.

infrastructure and the Environment

  • Improve replacement timelines of crumbling county infrastructure.

  • Improve traffic flow + reduce environmental impacts.

  • Provide multi-modal transportation options to citizens; protected bike lanes, sidewalks, and bus routes.

  • Re-implement the county’s curbside recycling program, with necessary improvements. Removing this program at a time when diverting waste from our aging and overflowing landfills is shortsighted and certainly not community focused.

Transparency and collaboration

  • Ethical and transparent changes to make local government more accessible and open to ALL citizens; not charging residents thousands of dollars for FOIA requests, create transparency within EDA transactions + reduce waste of tax payer dollars in transactions, eliminate nepotism hiring, & provide childcare at public meetings so more families can attend.

  • Work to improve the social and economic foundation of the Bermuda District so that Chesterfield really is a “First Choice Community” for everyone.

Other Suggestions?

If you have other suggestions that you would like to see the county focus on, please reach out to me at: